“I want to be able to login and know how my accounts are doing at any time.”
It is important to feel confident in your investments. This web page will help you learn:
We provide two different websites for you to login to see your investment accounts.
The first website shows your assets at Axos Advisor Services. This is where we custody most of our assets. For most of our clients, this is the only login they need.
Some of our clients have assets like variable annuities, variable universal life insurance, 529 plans, and other investment accounts held away from Axos Advisor Services. We provide a second website that provides you a single place to find the information about all of your accounts. Each website has its own login credentials.
Learn a little bit more about investment performance and how not to be misled by performance information as well.
Here are two big reasons investors often earn a lower return than they could.
As discussed in Investment Advice, investors often underperform their own investments. We believe the single greatest help we can provide our clients is behavioral. We help our clients understand where they are invested, why they are invested, and what the risks are (and are not) in their real-life financial journey.
Investors who tinker with their investments often do not earn the same rates of return as their investments. They “time” themselves out of earning better returns. Investors are hard-wired to feel more confident after they have experienced recent investment gains. But this means we buy high.
Similarly, we are hard-wired to want to sell after losses—or when we feel we may experience future losses. And, truth be told, no one knows the future and investments go up more often than they go down. So, when we sell, we have a higher probability to miss out on future gains than we do in avoiding future losses.
Our financial advisors help you understand the right amount of risk to take for your personal, real-life financial goals.
There is no good outcome from a short term performance discussion. The brokerage statement is designed to get you to do the wrong thing. Everything you see is short-termism. All the emotions are short-term.