Why International Investing?

Why International Investing?

Investing in companies all around the world is full of potential rewards and risks. Andrew Goodwin is a managing partner, at a London-based investment firm, Oldfield Partners. What has happened recently with international markets? What opportunities do they see going forward? Bring your questions and type them into the chat box. Or, show up in our offices for our first hybrid event. We will meet in person and then connect with Andrew via Zoom, live from London! Seating in our offices will be limited, so RSVP soon!

Please email clientcare@assetsandincome.com to attend in person.

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About Our Speaker

Andrew Goodwin

Andrew joined OP in March 2013.  He had previously been employed by SVG Capital in London for seven years managing mainly European equity portfolios.  Prior to joining SVG, he held portfolio management positions at Sovereign Asset Management, American Express Asset Management and Phillips & Drew Fund Management.  He graduated from Cambridge University.  He co-manages the global and Europe, Australasia and the Far East (EAFE) equity portfolios and contributes to the overall investment selection.

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Jun 21 2023


10:00 am - 11:00 am

More Info

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Online Event

Other Locations

A&I Wealth Management
A&I Wealth Management
9605 S. Kingston Ct. Suite 190 Lone Tree, CO 80112
