Why are you thankful this year? Please share with me and/or your financial advisor. Here are 19 reasons I’m thankful in 2019:
- My financial planner kept me invested this year even when I was feeling stress about the market.
- My financial planner understands me, my family, and my goals and helps me feel safe.
- I have a real-life financial plan that will help me reach my goals and live a life of independence, dignity, and purpose.
- I am thankful for the things I can control; and thankful that I am not responsible for all those things I cannot control.
- I am thankful the things I can control matter infinitely more in my real-life financial plan.
- I’m thankful I have someone to talk to about these things.
- I’m thankful I work with a registered investment advisor that adheres to the fiduciary standard and that puts my interests above those of his own.
- I’m thankful for my optimism.
- I’m thankful for my goals—and want to share them with you.
- I’m thankful for my past, my mistakes, my challenges, and my learning opportunities.
- I’m thankful I can still see and hear—and thankful someone wants to see me and hear me too.
- I’m thankful for my clients and your health, and prosperity, your trust and your kindness towards me and our team.
- I’m thankful that I spend my days with a team of loving people who warm my heart and inspire me to grow, to learn, and to improve.
- I’m thankful for my country.
- I’m thankful for the men and women who keep my country safe.
- I’m thankful for the progressive thinkers who help us dream.
- I’m thankful for the conservative thinkers who keep us rooted.
- I’m thankful my family has their health.
- I’m thankful for my faith.