A&I Wealth Management > Blog > End of Year Planning

We are “wrapping up” for the holidays! If you have any last-minute requests from your financial team, please make note that we are going to be heading home for the holidays soon. A few things that happen at the end of the year include:

  1. Required minimum distributions. If you are above the minimum age, then you should have already taken your distribution. We can help you track distributions from accounts outside our firm as well–but you want to ask your Advisor and put together a plan!
  2. Charitable contributions must be made in the calendar year to receive the tax discount. Hopefully you have arranged this already because we take extra caution sending distributions to prevent fraud!
  3. Roth conversions. We are at the deadline so if you have been thinking about a Roth conversion, contact us right away!

We love to hear from you and wish you and your family the happiest holiday season!

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    About the author

    Karl Frank, Certified Financial Planner ®, MSF, MBA, MA, is the President of A&I Financial Services LLC, a local business that specializes in wealth management, insurance planning, and retirement planning. Karl cares for business owners and the businesses that care for them. Learn More about Karl.