Portfolio Positioning, Market Movement, and What’s Coming Next: A&I Investment Commentary (Q3 2022)

A&I Wealth Management > Blog > Portfolio Positioning, Market Movement, and What’s Coming Next: A&I Investment Commentary (Q3 2022)

couple looking over the markets to plan the road aheadThe equity markets and fixed income markets are scaring many of your friends out of their investments right now. It’s time for the A&I third quarter investment commentary.

Contact your wealth manager here at A&I if you have any questions or concerns about today’s headlines and your long-term, real-life financial plans. And, consider introducing us to someone who asks you for advice. The value of our second opinion service is infinite and the price is free!

Executive Summary of the Third Quarter Investment Commentary

The A&I Investment Commentary is a full-length discussion by one of our primary investment research partners, iMGP. On October 26th, we will host a live Zoom meeting.

RSVP for Investment Update Zoom at 11:30AM on October 26th

If you cannot join us, look for the recording on our website.

How We Approach Investment Strategy in Turbulent Markets

Our process starts with our core investment beliefs. Our most timely belief is this:

The right way to invest is to diversify by strategy.

Each of our investment partners has a unique philosophy. We never want to make a killing in, nor be killed by, any one investment. We diversify our investments accordingly. Today is different in that our key research partners are in agreement. They are concerned about the short-term. Over the long-term, we are all confident, with varying levels of optimism. As an aside, I am the most optimistic investment manager I know. Again, our investments benefit from diversification!

Today, the headlines are dominated by high inflation. In response, the Federal Reserve and other central banks have increased interest rates. Thus, iMGP sees better opportunities in bonds than we have had for many years.

We took modest action in our client’s bond portfolios. We focused in on the bond managers we think can handle the next few years nimbly and profitably. Furthermore, we made a change in the way we invest in international equities. We are investing with a company we believe gives us a chance at potentially increased returns over the long haul. In years past, after equity declines, you may recall that we took advantage of lower prices to buy more equities. Over the long haul, being confident during the declines increases the chances of above-average returns. We may find this opportunity in the near future, but not yet.

It’s time for the A&I third quarter investment commentary. Contact info@assetsandincome.com to get the commentary!

About the author

Karl Frank, Certified Financial Planner ®, MSF, MBA, MA, is the President of A&I Financial Services LLC, a local business that specializes in wealth management, insurance planning, and retirement planning. Karl cares for business owners and the businesses that care for them. Learn More about Karl.