A&I Wealth Management > Blog > Elder Planning > What is Important About Money as We Age?

What is important about money? Meir Statman says people want to avoid being poor and also want to be rich. But this is just the beginning of understanding money and meaning.  A survey from the Kaiser Foundation (KFF) says money is a little more fulfilling.

Being able to talk or communicate with others94%
Making sure your wishes for medical care are followed91%
Being able to feed or dress yourself90%
Being financially stable88%

People most readily agree that communication is a key to happiness. Additionally, we want to make sure that our wishes for medical care are followed. We don’t want to be a burden to our family. We want independence and dignity (being able to feed ourselves, dress ourselves, and be financially stable). We want to live without severe long-lasting pain and be able to remember things well. Finally, spiritual fulfillment and being physically active are some of the most important things we want as we age.

So… we don’t mind getting older if we have these issues taken care of. And, out of all these issues, is there one of them that does not involve money. Perhaps, maybe, spiritual fulfillment does not involve money. However, a religious institution might be your top charity! It is for many of our clients. Even in the spirit, money abounds.

Investments, in alignment with your financial plan, are fulfilling. Providing for independence and dignity is the bare-bone skeleton of a life well-lived. Money is a 21st Century Survival Skill, said one of my favorite mentors, Dick Wagner. Let’s get going with that financial plan!

Figure 5 Abilities Are important for good quality of Life in Older Age
About the author

Karl Frank, Certified Financial Planner ®, MSF, MBA, MA, is the President of A&I Financial Services LLC, a local business that specializes in wealth management, insurance planning, and retirement planning. Karl cares for business owners and the businesses that care for them. Learn More about Karl.