In 2005, Cameron Morgan took the lead at our firm to implement a whole lot of good ideas we had floating around about how to get your financial life organized. She integrated them in a three-ring binder. With only a little bit of help from the rest of us, the Wealth and Wellbeing Album was born.
In 2024, we updated and improved the document. It is called the Wealth and Wellbeing Album. It is a place to help your relatives and other loved ones to know how you have things organized, to save them time and effort. What do your survivors want to know? This is where they need to go—and what are they looking for.
The album has many good ideas so that you can be respectful of, and be honored by, your loved ones. Let’s look at what should be included in your album.
We put these together for all our clients at our regular progress meetings. Many clients keep them. You can tell your relatives where you’ve saved the files.
Note where you keep your copy of your birth certificate, marriage certificate, passport, deeds, etc. Whether you have a simple Will or a complicated plan involving Trusts, note where you keep these documents and the contact information for the attorney and other helpful people, like a trustee and financial advisor.
Note where you keep your copy of your birth certificate, marriage certificate, passport, deeds, etc. Whether you have a simple Will or a complicated plan involving Trusts, note where you keep these documents and the contact information for the attorney and other helpful people, like a trustee and financial advisor.
Make it easy for your survivors to know what insurance is in force, as well as what policies are out of force. Sometimes you might find a statement from a policy expired long-ago, and that might cause a headache for your survivor; wasted time, or worse.
Do you have investment real estate? Do you have a pension or executive benefit plan? Do you have an interest in a business or private investment? What about an annuity or any other type of investment? Using the album, you can improve the quality of the lives of your loved ones.
A favorite part of the album is the instructions for your survivors. Do you want to donate your organs? How do you want your final service to go? Include as many details as possible. The album provides a checklist of good ideas so that you can be respectful of, and be honored by, your loved ones in just the way that is right for you.
This guide helps you and your beneficiaries understand your investments, taxes, assets, savings, estate plans, end of life plans, insurance policies, and is a great gift for yourself and the people you love.
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