
denver financial advisor

A&I Financial Services

couple enjoying well-being in retirement
With the end of the U.S. Open also came the end of Serena Williams’ career. She secures her place in history as one of the greatest athletes of all time, retiring with 73 career titles won over 25 years. As Serena notes in a letter explaining her decision to retire, tennis has been her entire...
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A graduating college student with her family
When student loan payments were paused in March 2020, many people wondered what would ultimately become of their debt. Now, almost three years later, the White House has announced a plan of to forgive many student loans. Now that things are getting into motion, people who attended college (and their loved ones!) suddenly have very...
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couple doing finances
“To reduce inflation, you have to squash the perception that we are going to have it.” – Eddy Vataru, Osterweiss Inflation is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we believe prices will be higher, then producers keep prices higher, and this positive cycle continues. Some related services we provide: Investment Advice Tax and Estate Planning Tax Optimization...
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Read this Periscope for a quick introduction to the Lunch & Learn given by Kim Callinan, President of Compassion and Choices and national expert on how to create an elegant and dignified end-of-life plan. If you allow your loved ones to avoid a conversation about their end-of-life plan, you are making their journey more difficult...
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Karl and the rest of the hiking crew on Mt. Rainier
Read this Periscope for the sequel to my musings from the trail, while I was summiting the highest mountain in the state of Washington a few weeks ago. Relationships Are Awesome On this ten day mountaineering journey, climbing Mt. Baker and Mt. Rainier, our seven civilians and three guides became fast friends. We came from...
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couple smiling over finances
Read this Periscope to learn more about one interesting benefit of having a financial planner that you might not have thought of before: mental health. Also, scroll down to link to thoughts about inflation, the economy and the death of the 60/40 portfolio. For many people, money is a source of stress and anxiety. This...
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china faces challenges
  Read this post for a brief overview of some of the challenges faced by America’s biggest economic rival, and the world’s second largest economy. China wants to be the biggest and best China has ambitious goals and the country’s recent success has increased the chances that it will achieve them. One of the goals...
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Live off Investments
Read this post for our investment research partners’ perspective on the first three months of 2022. Clearly, the changes in the world are outside our scope. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine beginning February 24, 2022 changes a lot of things. Our focus in this Periscope is to discuss the investment threats and opportunities we faced, and...
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investing smart
  Check out this post for an informative video with tips for managing our emotions while investing during these uncertain times. I encourage you to watch this video and share it with your friends. I spoke with an investor recently who said it was just a whole lot easier to deal with the turbulence of...
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