
financial advisors

A&I Financial Services

As parents, watching our children grow up and head off to college is a bittersweet experience. On the one hand, we’re filled with pride at their accomplishments and excited for the adventures that await them. On the other hand, it’s natural to feel a sense of loss and uncertainty as we navigate the transition to...
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china faces challenges
  Read this post for a brief overview of some of the challenges faced by America’s biggest economic rival, and the world’s second largest economy. China wants to be the biggest and best China has ambitious goals and the country’s recent success has increased the chances that it will achieve them. One of the goals...
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percentage increase interest
What in the world is happening to interest rates? Read this blog post for insights into interest rates, which are making the news at the beginning of 2022. Click HERE to watch a 5-minute discussion about inflation and interest rates from our recent 2022 Market and Economic Outlook. So what in the world is happening...
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