Planning, the simple act of planning, not even following a plan, creates money. In fact, even if you create a plan and don’t follow it, you still end up with more money. So say the researchers. (1,2,3) On the other hand, when I say the word “money,” your brain shuts down and your emotions shoot...Read More
“Some things I hope I never do: clog the checkout line at a drugstore while laboriously counting out 54 pennies in exact change; drive 10 miles an hour in a 35-mph zone; serve my children freezer-burned tuna noodle casserole.” *1 Early retirement would be nice Retirement can be the opportunity of a lifetime to achieve...Read More
On Earth Day, 2019, we launched a three-part plan to do our part to increase our client experience, and help the planet, too. GO PAPERLESS First, it’s never been easier to go paperless with your investments. Click here to save thousands of pages of print (and hassle) per year. Chad Harmon collects 6 months of...Read More
Let’s tell a story. First, we agree on some basics. The best way to set a lifetime investment plan is to discuss our goals, create a plan, and then assemble a portfolio of investments. We agree we should do these things in that order, because it is the order of priority. Let’s say you want...Read More
Our overall philosophy of investment advice is goal-focused and planning-driven, as sharply distinguished from an approach that is market-focused and current-events-driven. Every successful investor we have ever known was acting continuously on a plan. Failed investors, in our experience, get that way by reacting to current events in the economy and the markets. We neither...Read More
Timeless insight from September, 2018. I read an article in the Wall Street Journal that reminded me of our speaker and researcher, Dr. Howard. “A Better Way to Think about Portfolio Rebalancing,” by Meir Statman, describes it well. Mr. Statman says “risk isn’t about volatility; it’s about not satisfying wants.” What could be more risky,...Read More
Some young Americans are working toward FIRE, or Financial Independence, Retire Early. Go figure. Actually, retiring early requires a lot of figuring out!Read More
Americans give freely to support the causes they value, from churches, education, and the arts to medical research. Fortunately, current tax laws encourage and even reward philanthropy.Read More